NATURALS TM Calamus root essential oil is obtained from Acorus calamus . The oil has many wonderful medicinal and therapeutic properties. The aroma and stimulating properties of the calamus root has been used to treat digestive problems. It improves the functioning of the stomach and reduces problems such as cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence and indigestion. Calamus helps loosen phlegm and make it an ideal treatment for bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory conditions. It also stimulates the uterus leading to regular menstrual cycles. Calamus improves the recovery process of the brain and nervous system especially after a stroke. When applied on the skin, calamus can provide relief from burns, rashes, varicose veins, boils, and rheumatic pain. A few drops of calamus oil in a warm bath can help reduce fatigue and exhaustion. Calamus oil is used in production of perfumes. Medieval houses used the calamus plant to cover the floors and provide a sweet smell to thatches roofs. Calamus is also believed to be an aphrodisiac due to its stimulant properties.
Blending: Calamus Essential Oil blends well with essential oils of cedar wood, cinnamon, clary sage, labdanum, lavender, marjoram, olibanum, oregano, patchouli rosemary, tea tree and ylang-ylang
Few Words of Caution: Oral ingestion should be avoided unless under guidance of an expert practitioner. Pregnant ladies should avoid its use.
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Calamus Essential Oil due to its numbing and tranquilizing effect on the brain and the nerves, it reduces feeling of pain. This oil is also used for treatment of headache, vertigo etc. and it is a sedative...Read more...
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