Apricot Kernel Oil (Prunus armeniacae)
It is also known as persic oil and although apricot kernel oil is heavier than almond oil, it is very easily absorbed into the skin, making apricot kernel oil particularly helpful for dehydrated, delicate, distressed, mature and sensitive skin, and also helps to soothe inflammation.
This finely textured oil spreads easily and is particularly rich in both oleic acid and linoleic fatty acids. It also contains palmitic, palmitoleic, heptadecenoic acid, 9-heptadecenoic, stearic, linolenic, arachidic as well as eicosenoic fatty acids.
Since it is finely textured and nourishing, it is particularly helpful in fighting fine lines and revitalizing the skin. Unlike some other natural oils, few people show allergic reaction to it, making it an ideal oil to use on delicate and sensitive areas, including the area around the eyes.
It is a good general purpose emollient, and contains Vitamin A, which helps to increase elasticity - and is used to reduce stretch marks. Since it is stable, it is sometimes used as a replacement for mineral oil in cosmetics.
Apricot kernel butter is obtained directly from apricot kernel oil, and it possesses all of the natural qualities of the oil. It moisturizes and soothes the skin and is suitable for mature or sensitive skin.
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